Thursday 6 February 2014

How to Use Search Engine Optimization for your Website

Content is Still the King in Search Engine Optimization World, some websites gets No.1 rank on search engine by doing link building campaigns, but when you talk about loyal visitors (Organic or Referral), it always need good optimized content.

1. You have to dedicate your time when you write good content: Focus that you are writing for people first not for search engines, this is basically means that you are creating quality pieces that are useful for humans and search engine will definitely recognize your efforts. If your content is good your readers will definitely share your quality content and generating additional backlinks, not to mention extra traffic and search engine will surely recognize your quality pieces because it contains more traffic without putting too many keywords in content.

  • Write content for people which they want to share on social media like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and other social networks. The search engine will read those signals as a signal of the quality of your domain and content. If you have an accounts on these social sites with lots of followers you can accelerate the spread of your content.
  • Share your content on sites like Digg, Delicious, Reddit and other content sharing websites that might gain some more traffic to your site.
  • Chances are you should know stuff about search engine optimization that you didn't know last year. Visit to old content and re-write it with your SEO hat on, change keyword density, update image alt tag, adding link to your home page and other relevance pages on your website.
2. Get backlinks to your website from other relevance websites: If you are new on web even you could try to get natural links. All business have suppliers whether they be restaurants or raw material providers. All these suppliers have a website, contact them and ask them for link back, but do not offer for link exchange. Link exchange will now work against you. But Link Building, always give a reason for site owner why they want to link back to you. You could write an article based on particular client - everyone likes bragging writes and this will give you additional links without having ask to anyone. All Google want to see is links that have an editorial right to be there.

3. Complete all image attributes: Pictures dress up your images but search engine doesn't understand how to deal with them until you haven't complete details like caption, alternate text, description. Be ethical though, don't use it as as opportunity to cram an extra few keywords onto the page as this will likely have a negative impact on your search engine ranking. Some people search for what they are searching via Images on Google, if your image is highly visible then your visitor will definitely visit your page.

4. Diversify Internal Anchor Tet Links:  You need variations in the text when one creates those blue highlighted anchor text links. The links on the page are what the search engine spiders follow in determining where they are being led. The text used in the links are used in  helping the search engines figure out what the page it leads to is all about.

5. Take note of word count: Although it's been a classical rule that "readers online do not read", it simply doesn't mean that one has to deprive the online users of good, meant content. Stick to at least 250 words a page. SEOs know that writing down for an appropriate length text means being more able to include more related terms of the target keywords.

6. Most Important Avoid Duplicate Content: The content of you website should be unique from other pages on web. Consider using tool such as Siteliner to look for duplicate content.

Page Format Issue

  • Title Tags: The first is your page title, it is very important to put keywords in your page title, specifically try to put important keywords first and try to limit the overall length of your page title. Well-constructed title tags contain the main keyword for the page. It should contain less than 65 characters with no stop words such as: a, if, the, then, and, an, to, etc. Your title tag should also be limited to the use of alphanumeric characters, hyphens, and commas.
  • Headers Tags: Next, its important to look at the header tags on your site h1, h2, h3, h4 and so on, H1 is the most significant, make sure you have the most important keyword labeled as H1 tag. This will help you with ranking for your site, especially if someone is searching for that particular key word or phrase.
  • Page Content: Next up is the content, You definitely wants to put your keywords in content somewhere, but the object, though, is to make sure the content is very well written for visitors to your website. You want to insert the keywords for that page only where make it sense. Page content should be 300 to 700 words of descriptive content that contains the keywords specified in keywords meta tags for the page. You also want to try to optimize your URLs. Make sure to include important keywords in the URL.
  • Meta Tag: Next are the Meta Keywords and Meta Description, These are pieces of code behind the scene. The code should look something like this: It should be placed directly under the title tag code <title> Your site title </title> <meta name="description"content="your site description" <meta name="keyword1, keywords2, keyword3" Your keywords meta tag should contain between 5-10 keywords or keywords phrases that are also found in page content. Also one more important meta tag is description tag that may contain information about the page content so you can persuade search engine users to visit your website. It should have 15 to 160 characters, remember not to stuff with keywords.
  • Navigation: Next is to have proper navigation, each page of your website should contain links to every page so search engine spiders can find every page. This is an important step for the proper indexing and page ranking for your site.
  • Sitemap: Next is having a proper sitemap. Its important to use two sites maps for your website - an XML version and a static version. The XML version can be created by sitemap generating tools such as The sitemap should then be submitted to Google Webmaster Tools accounts for that site. This will aid in crawling of Google's Spidebot. The static version should be a HTML page contains links to every other page.